这是一个免费网站。免费提供圣经(含有声),基督教书籍,讲道信息,主日学教材等。可直接从本网站下载的项目可以免费与其他人共享。点击菜单Menu 项后,向下滚动到底部即可查看。 在某些情况下,会提供其他网站的在线阅读链接。 在所有情况下版权均属于作者。 这些版本已经在互联网上的其他网站上。
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This is a free website. After clicking a menu item, scroll down to the bottom in order to view it. We offer Christian books, Bible, audio Bible, audio sermons, Sunday school materials, etc. Copyright belongs to the author in all cases. These versions were already available on various websites on the internet.
Please feel free to contact us at [email protected]