如果第一次点击后视频只有声音,再次点击,第二次视频会完全开始。视频包括歌词。If Video doesn’t start with audio, click a second time and the video should start.
You Are Holy – Live at Christ For the Nations Worship 英文唱
配的全所有/我尊崇你 Worthy of it All/I Exalt Thee (中文唱, 中文字幕)
Worthy of It All/I Exalt Thee 英文唱/字幕
Holy Are You Lord 圣哉是你主-英文唱-中英字幕
圣哉是你主-Holy Are You Lord-中文唱-中英字幕
何等荣美的名What a Beautiful Name (中文唱/中英字幕)
亲爱圣灵(Holy Spirit You are Welcome Here)中文唱,中英字幕
你同在如天堂降临Your Presence is Heaven 中文
祝福-The Blessing-China Virtual Choir
Here Comes the Glory of the Lord-David Binion & Cornerstone Worship